Book Marketing

Via Buch-Luchs PR

Please understand that we will quality check your book and reserve the right to reject it.
For a blog tour, we need six weeks' lead time. For a flash mob, four weeks. The review option is most effective when the book has not yet been published.


55 €/ book
  • Listing of the book among the available review copies for four weeks
  • Newsletter to our subscribers about the review option
  • Facebook post about the review option
  • Instagram article about the review option
  • Multiple advertising of the review option
  • Creation and maintenance of the registration form for the review copy
  • Sending the review copies
  • Follow-up of the reviews for 6 weeks
  • On request additional sending of promotional materials
  • +39 € / sequel
  • mandatory platform: Amazon
  • every additional mandatory platform: +10 €

Book Blast

35 €/ new release or sale
  • Book blast on release day or sale day
  • Book blast images + text (neutral + colorful)
  • Sending promotional materials to all interested parties
  • Follow up (Reminding bloggers)
  • Reactions & comments to the blog tour posts


65 €/ new release or sale
  • Planning a blog tour of at least two weeks (Facebook & Instagram accounts).
  • Suggesting topics for the blog tour topic days
  • Informing our bloggers
  • Blog tour images (banner + square)
  • Teaser template for bloggers
  • Sending promotional materials to all interested parties
  • Follow up (Reminding bloggers)
  • Reactions & comments to the blog tour posts

Promo images

Are there no banner 3D graphics and snippets available?
We will gladly create up to 10 graphics for a flat rate of 25 € based on the book cover.

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